My favorite thing? Swimming, duh! Michael Phelps! ADORABLE! I have a crush on a swimmer, y'all! Me and a million other girls, but oh... so exciting. Especially that race where he won by 1/100th of a second. At first you couldn't even tell who won. It looked like that other guy for sure. Then they showed Michael's name on the board - 1st! And he was so happy! He looked like a little boy, splashing the water and yelling with glee.
And we have the same initials, so that's cool.
I hadn't watched the Summer Olympics in a long time. Okay, maybe an event here and there, but nothing like my viewing this year. In 1988, I remember being at my aunt and uncle's house and watching the Olympics there. And I have vague memories of the events that took place in 1984. Well, mostly I just remember Mary Lou Retton was on the Wheaties box.

Yay Wheaties!
Hey, I was three. I'm lucky I can remember that much!
When my brother and I were younger we used to have games for the Commodore 64 called "Summer Games" and "Winter Games," and you basically got to pick a country and then compete in various Olympic sports as a representing member of that country. Of course, this was back when you had to do everyhing with a joystick and a button. As you can probably imagine, the iceskaters fell down a lot, the horses fell down a lot, the javelin throwers would impale themselves... and we'd get frustrated rather quickly.
But my memories are fond nonetheless.