Monday, May 30, 2022

Glossy Time Capsules #34: Nintendo Power - November/December, 1990

 Glossy Time Capsules #34

Nintendo Power

November/December, 1990

Price: $3.50

Judging from this issue, late 1990 was a spectacular time to be a gamer. I was only vaguely aware of any of it at the time. We were a Commodore household, so we were at the mercy of our NES-owning neighbors and cousins to get our Nintendo fix. A NES didn't enter our house until 1992. But hey... better to show up late to the party than never show up at all.

So yeah, this magazine brings back memories, even if my memories happened a few years later. 

Want to subscribe to Nintendo Power? Oh well, too bad... the magazine dissolved a decade ago.

The Table of Contents tease at the many joys the reader is soon to behold in this issue...

In a previous issue, NP had asked readers to send in their accounts of bad things that happened while playing Nintendo...

Neil Prochnow's anecdote is the stuff of legend. Karen Day's is gross but funny. Richie Nabring's is something else....

House fire. Could've died, but no big deal... just sad it interrupted our playin'.

For a future issue, the editors wanted to know...

I don't want to know. Really, I do not.

Next we get into some of the games from back in the day. My brother was way more in tune with a lot of these than I was.

DuckTales for Gameboy had recently been released, and it was showcased in this issue....

I loved DuckTales, and I know I played the NES version at my cousins' house.

My most vivid memories of the game are from playing DuckTales: Remastered on my PC about a decade ago.

In which the graphics were FAR SUPERIOR to this mess:

How did we even? is what I want to know.

Maybe these guys could answer my questions...

They stored their NES knowledge in their mullets, I assume.

Where are the warp whistles? You mean people had to be told? They didn't just know? 

I'm not buying it.

Dr. Mario had just been released that past July, and this magazine wanted you to know how cool think it was cool.

You know what was a cooler game than Dr. Mario? Why, TETRIS, of course!

Tetris was best played on one of these...

Tetris actually ranked #4 on this magazine's Top 30 list for 1990, though Mario 3 definitely dominated in the points department....

I never called the Game Play Counselors, did you?

Heck yeah, contests!

And tournaments!

First female finalist? This Mora erasure will not stand!

Okay, no more The Wizard references from here on out. Probably.

Coming soon...

How have I never heard of this Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade NES game? 

Wow, it turns out it's delightfully ridiculous.

So what else did the future (aka 1991) have in store for us?

SIM CITY <3 <3 <3

Meanwhile, in HOT NEWS...

"But here are a few mondo screen shots to keep you from having a cow until then" is a phrase that could've only been uttered with any sincerity in that specific year.

Advice on taking photos of your Game Boy screen, a thing I never even considered doing...

Maybe I just didn't care enough. Not nearly as much as these people did, anyway...

We now approach the end of this magazine with a random appearance by Kadeem "Dwayne Wayne" Hardison...

and lastly, an ad for... um...

What is this, exactly?

Ah, an ad for the NES Four Score and the NES Satellite: adapters for four players to play simultaneously.

The coolest thing my family ever had was the NES Advantage...

Not to be confused with the coolest Nintendo peripheral in existence...

Look, I made NO PROMISES! 


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For more Glossy Time Capsules, click here.

If you're into video games, check out these posts, too....