On one hand I suppose I should've felt insulted. Or the feminist tiger in me should've come rawwwring (rarin'?) out with some reply, such as: "I don't need no MAN, dawg!" And I guess I did feel insulted, a little. I mean sure, I'm not going to win any carpentry awards, but I'm not a total woodsey newb, either. I just don't know the names of all the tools yet! What of it? But no... mostly I felt sad. Because I WOULD like to have a dad or a boyfriend to help me with the project.* But I do not.
The Home Depot lady made me feel sad!
But I'll get past it. Here are the latest pictures...
Fireman pole that wobbles a bit (gotta fix that.)
Slat railings on the upper deck.
A ladder with -- as I discovered last night -- slightly crooked rungs.
Hey, like I said, I'm no carpentry expert. DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT?
*You know, so I have somebody to go fetch me my root beer.