Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Quick Recap:
Generation 1: Rachel Miranda – married Johnny circa
1880. Four kids: Edward, Thomas, Arthur & Elizabeth.
Generation 2: Edward Miranda – married Anna Reynolds
circa 1900. Three kids: Henry, Robert & John.
Generation 3: Henry Miranda – married June Riley
circa 1920. Two kids: Stella & Alan.
Generation 4: Stella Miranda – had a relationship
with Jacob Llewelyn circa 1945; one kid: Michael. Married Roger Fontaine
(father of Angela) circa 1951. One kid together: Raymond.
Generation 5: Michael Miranda – married Marie Wilkes
circa 1965. Four kids: Michele, Alison, Kimberly & Erica.
Generation 6: Erica Miranda – married Justin
O’Connor circa 1992. Two kids: Ryan & Scarlet. Alison married Gary Souther;
one kid, Devon. Kimberly married Chris Pearlman. Michele had
a relationship with Joel Paxley; one kid, Kayla.)
* * * * *
Circa the year 2000, Kimberly (red hair), Michele, Chris (Kimberly husband), and Michele's daughter Kayla are living happily together, along with their cat, Honey.
Kayla's father, Joel, is still in her life...
And soon Kimberly and Chris are expecting!
It's a girl... Alexandra!
Time goes by...
Grandpa Michael is a decent chess player...
Eventually Kayla grows up and moves out on her own...
Kayla is adamant she never wants kids, so we won't be following her branch of the family tree into the next generation. Instead, we'll be focusing on Kayla's cousins, Ryan and Devon.
Remember them?
Ryan and Devon have grown up in the same house, almost as brothers. So now that they're in their early 20's, they decide to get a place together.
As luck would have it, the house that was once owned by their great-great grandfather, Henry, and later their great-grandmother, Stella, is on the market! You might remember that house. It used to look like this...
After Stella died, though, the house was sold and has been in the hands of non-family members ever since.
Devon and Ryan buy it at auction, as is...
But these two enterprising lads get right to work cleaning it up...
It's not an easy job, but eventually the house is clean enough to live in!
Not long after moving in, Ryan hears a strange noise. He follows it and discovers a stray puppy...
He cares for the puppy & names her Ruby.
Ruby grows into a good doggo....
Devon has gotten into the construction business...
It is he who begins to transform the rooms in the house from this...
To this...
Okay, he had a little help from an interior decorator. But he did some of the work!
Meanwhile, Ryan has been taking a different career path. He wants to be an actor. He gets a couple of gigs as a background extra...
Ryan enjoys being on sets... making connections... going nuts at craft services....
Eventually he starts getting some decent-paying gigs....
One day while on set, he meets a production assistant named Cassandra Frost...
At first, they decide to just be friends.
But eventually, things become more...
They eventually get married, and soon Cassandra is expecting...
She starts a pregnancy/baby vlog, which becomes enormously popular...
And soon.... it's a boy! They name him Colin.
Devon decides to try cooking a celebratory meal... and starts a fire....
Cassandra and Ryan might be the two most competent Sims we've seen so far. Look at how they react! Their ancestors would be amazed.
Colin becomes a toddler...
Ruby the dog is a good girl....
Baby #2 arrives! It's a girl, Eloise!
Colin takes after his dad and paternal grandpa....
As the Miranda-O'Connor-Frost family poses for their obligatory family portrait, they look toward the future (and I do mean "the future," because it's past 2020 for them, now) with optimism.
Ryan and Cassandra's kids, Colin and Eloise, are in Generation 8, which means we have just two more generations to go!