When we last left the Embody family, current matriarch Cierra had just given birth to the twentieth Embody baby!
Roll call... The Embody family currently consists of: Emmett, August, Emma, Norman, Alysia, Clarissa, Clementine, Anabelle, Bradford, Candice, Leonardo, Serena and Cierra (twins), Irving, Robyn, Harley, Gloria, Blaze, Pearl, and Allan.
Oh yeah -- and they have a cat.
Pixel is a happy cat. Everyone wants to keep her that way. In fact, Cierra has visited the vet and purchased "de-aging" pills for Pixel to assure that the kitty never succumbs to old age.
Allan definitely resembles his father, Loki...
Thor and Cierra hooked up, and... surprise! It's twins!
This time its a girl-boy set. They are dubbed Heaven and Thorson.
A bunch of the older kids are ready to age up all at once.
Pearl goes from toddler to kid...
Gloria becomes an adult...
Gloria's traits include: Party Animal, gregarious, a goofball, family-oriented, and hot-headed.
Blaze becomes a teen...
And soon after, Allan becomes a kid, too.
Heaven and Thorson give Cierra a run for her money during their toddler years, but at last they are ready to become kids, too...
Next it's Blaze's turn to enter adulthood...
Blaze is a mansion baron, business-savvy, a goofball, a loner, and evil. These traits do not make his father (Before Steve Rogers) especially proud. (Cierra, on the other hand, is also a business-savvy mansion baron -- she was super stoked when the house's value hit 50k.)
Thor comes over to visit his kids...
And he makes this face....
And don't get any ideas, Thor... Cierra has moved on to Bucky Barnes. Baby #23 is not far off....
What to do while pregnant? Might as well invite Ron Swansim over for a visit.
It's baby time!
Twin boys this time. Welcome, Bobby and Johnny!
The next few days years will prove to be pretty tough for the Embody family. Two sets of twins in a row is... yikes.
Allan, Cierra's youngest non-twin, ages into teenhood...
Allan loves music and learns to play quite well.
Thorson... well, he tries.
Pearl becomes an adult...
Pearl is a public enemy, dastardly, active, cheerful, and loves the outdoors. What a mix.
Bobby and Johnny become toddlers...
These two wind up being the hardest twins for Cierra to raise. They're constantly hungry and tired and take forever to learn basic skills.
Meanwhile, Cierra is having a hard time wooing Ron Swansim, so she invites him to go fishing with her. Her strategy works! He likes fishing, who knew?
Heaven becomes a teen, and immediately takes a selfie...
Thorson turns out to be a mischievous teen. His great joy is finding neighbors to pester.
Woohoo! Cierra and Ron Swansim are expecting!
And soon, baby Hunter (#25!) enters the world.
It seems to take ages, but finally Johnny and Bobby become kids...
Cierra decides she'd like to shed a few pounds, so she begins jogging.
Uh, Cierra, that's not how you...
...oh, never mind.
Bobby and Johnny hone their logic skills together...
Hunter becomes a toddler, and Heaven teaches him how to talk...
Cierra's a bit busy... she's currently trying to woo Harrison Jones...
Harrison apparently LOVES to dance...
They finally close the deal...
And Cierra quickly moves on to Leo Nidas...
Heaven becomes an adult!
Heaven is nerdy, a quick learner, a glutton, loves art, and hates children.
Thorson soon joins her...
Thorson is a King of Mischief, dastardly, a goofball, and also loves art and hates children.
Cierra adopts a new hairstyle as she prepares to have Harrison Jones's baby...
Bobby and Johnny are still getting along, taking their time advancing through childhood...
In fact, their little brother Hunter has aged up, and they all appear to be the same age.
Baby #26 is here! It's a boy, Corbin!
Cierra is currently pregnant with Leo Nidas's baby, which means it's time to start dating again. Enter esteemed Quidditch player Oliver Wood...
Bobby and Johnny finally become teens!
Corbin becomes a toddler...
Her last four babies were boys, so Cierra's thrilled when the next kiddo is a girl! Welcome, Amber, baby #27!
Uh oh. Cierra is only a day away from her next birthday, in which she'll become an elder!
Unless she and Oliver Wood can get pregnant...?
Yes, they can!
It's a boy, Frankie!
Will Frankie have magical blood like his dad? (Since I don't have the magic expansion pack, that's probably a no.)
Cierra helps Corbin age up...
And then it happens...
Cierra becomes an elder...
Now, you may remember when Cierra's mom, Adelaide, became an elder. She didn't last very long after that. Are Cierra's days numbered as well?
Bobby and Johnny become adults...
Bobby is a Painter Extraordinaire, a muser, a bro, good, and a geek.
Johnny is romantic, creative, loves the outdoors, and aspires to be a Master Mixologist.
Cierra continues to live life to its fullest...
Hunter becomes a teen...
Leo Nidas come by to visit his daughter, Amber...
By the way... Amber, being Cierra's youngest daughter, is now destined to be the next matriarch...
Frankie, Cierra's last baby of all, becomes a toddler...
Cierra helps Amber blow out her birthday candles as she enters kidhood...
Amber looks a lot like Cierra did at that age!
Corbin begins his teen journey looking like a cat, but he's given a speedy makeover.
Frankie becomes a kid...
Pixel continues to take de-aging pills, and is living her best life...
Amber powers her way through elementary school, and soon it is her birthday...
Hello, teenagerhood!
Little bro Frankie soon joins his sister in teendom...
There are currently no kids, toddlers, or babies in the house. Everyone begins to think about their futures.
Cierra decides to move out of the house, and in with her current love, Henry Jones Sr.
Henry's son, Harrison, just can't believe it.

"Again, dad? AGAIN?"
Back at the Embody house, Amber will soon be saying goodbye to her brothers, and be saying hello to some eligible neighbors...

Who will be Amber's first beau? What will she name her first child? And how drastically will she change the household decor when she renovates? (You know she's gonna renovate!)
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