Sunday, February 12, 2023

1930s Yearbook Subjects Know What You Did

It's yearbook time again! Today we're looking at some senior photos circa 1934-1939, and I can't help feeling like these people are looking deep into our souls and/or have some sinister knowledge. 

Or maybe... both?

Hey, let's just roll with it...


Francine Dougherty knows what you did and is secretly impressed.

Jeannie-Marie Clements knows what you did, and she's totally going to tell your mom.

Oswald Channing knows what you did and will definitely use this information against you someday, somehow.

Gene Hollander knows what you did but will never let you know that he knows. Good old Gene.

Laura Tompkins knows what you did and is fixing to blackmail you for all you're worth; which, considering the decade, is probably in the vicinity of 39 cents.

Dorothy Palmer knows what you did and will never let you live it down.

John Beiramont knows what you did and has just one question: "Why?"

Helen Watley knows what you did and wonders why you didn't do it sooner.

Violet Sands knows what you did and is willing to keep quiet about it... for a price.

Mary Kapperton knows what you did and is shocked. SHOCKED!

Elwood Drummer knows what you did and hopes that next time, you let him in on the action.

Frank Botsworth knows what you did and is planning something similar himself.

Herman Higglesworth knows what you did and is headed to Confession to tell all. 

Leonard Kyle knows what you did and figures you did what you had to do.

Sally Barnard knows what you did, and she won't rest until you're brought to justice.

Eugenia Rosemont knows what you did and is eager to learn your ways.

Marguerite Olensiak knows what you did and will forever give you this look every time she sees you until you're eventually driven completely mad.

Virginia Murkins knows what you did and is not surprised in the least.

Glenda Haggley knows what you did and thinks you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Betty Strummer knows what you did and has already told three other people about it.

Wanda Marvins knows what you did but dares not tell a soul.

Edward Greer knows what you did and can't help pointing out that, oh -- by the way -- he did it first.

Alvin Soronso knows what you did, but he forgives you.

Jack Kreegland knows what you did and is wondering what else you're capable of.

Daisy Warburton knows what you did and thinks it's quite charming.

Frankie Sims knows what you did and thinks he could've done it better.

Elena Wells  knows what you did and is convinced she's the only one who does.

Darold Forney knows what you did, and he's plotting to take you down.

Harriet Olson knows what you did and has a newfound respect for you.

Anthony Trumbull knows what you did, and he might call the police. Or he might go hide in his closet. He is undecided.

Jack Hubley knows what you did and commends you wholeheartedly.

Mildred McCaldron knows what you did and couldn't care less.

Georgia Neils knows what you did --  and wishes she didn't.

Paul Macombe knows what you did -- and hopes you rot in prison.

Mary De Santis knows what you did and wow, she didn't think you had it in you.

Katherine O'Lensky knows what you did because she was there when you did it!

Bertha Montague knows what you did but doesn't have any idea who you are, so...


* * * 

For more vintage yearbook fun, check out:

Note: all photos here came from Portland, Oregon-area yearbooks. Names and scenarios are fictionalized. Apologies if you stumbled across a picture of your great aunt.

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