Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Going For 10 Generations In The Sims 4: Part 2

Previously, in Part 1: Rachel Miranda married Johnny, and they had four children: Edward, Thomas, Arthur, and Elizabeth.

Edward grew up and married Anna. When we last left the family, Anna was pregnant with the couple's first child...

* * *

It's the dawn of a new century, and Edward and Anna have just had their first baby! It's a boy, Henry!

And just like his father did once upon a time, Henry grows into a happy toddler...

... and is soon joined by a new sibling!

And once again, it's another boy! Edward and Anna name him Robert.

Robert also grows into a fine young lad...

And before long, another baby is entering the fold. Edward and Anna name this baby John, after Edward's father. They then decide to quit while they're ahead. 

As he gets older, Henry takes an interest in the musical arts...

Family portrait circa 1910...

Edward's other siblings (Thomas, Arthur, and the cool-headed but evil-traited Elizabeth) have now flown the coop. Thomas and Arthur visit often, but Elizabeth has been banned for routinely destroying her nephews' doll house...

Anna and Edward continue to get along well....

Several family members take ill during the pandemic of 1918, and the whole family goes into quarantine.

But they all survive.

Henry becomes a young man...

He's kind to his brothers...

Henry begins to take a serious interest in the local ladies....

Below, left: June; center: Edna; right: Nancy.

Henry spends lots of time with these three...

But he can't seem to form a strong bond with a particular one....

After some time, Henry strikes out on his own, putting a down payment on a little house...

Still, Henry is lonely. He decides to throw a costume party.

Henry wears a hot dog costume to the party...

When Nancy arrives at Henry's house wearing a hot dog costume, Henry immediately thinks, "Aha! We match! Nancy must be my soulmate!"

This thought lasts a full four minutes... until Edna shows up... also wearing a hot dog costume....


June, at least, is creative, having come dressed as a maid.

A few days later, June invites herself over to Henry's house...

Henry and June spend some time chatting, and then...

The deal is sealed. These two are a match!

"Sorry, honey... I guess I forgot to mention I'm a Child Of The Island and am routinely being haunted by island spirits. Kind of annoying, really."

Gotta love him, amirite?

Henry proposes...

And soon, the two wed...

Life is good...

And now June is pregnant with the couple's first child, which means the next generation is about to begin!

To be continued...

Part 3

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