Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Castle In The Park

Tuesday, September 15th: I had no set plans, other than to catch an afternoon train to Venice, so I set out to go to a park, Parco Sempione.

I figured I could sit there and relax in the shade... Maybe watch people and pooches strolling by....

After a bit of sitting, I realized that a lot of tour groups were passing through the area. I also noticed a big brick building. A church? A college? Better go check it out... OH HI, it's a castle. But why should I be surprised? When in Europe....

I counted around a dozen cats on the castle grounds, hanging out, sleeping, stalking birds. It made me miss my own cats. These castle cats seemed indifferent to humans... orrrr just me.

Despite my lark in the park, I got to the train station way too early. There's hardly anywhere to sit. Aboard the train at last, I had a window seat. During the journey, people sat by me for a leg or two, then deboarded. The scenery was just "ok" after my Alps experience, although I did start getting super excited as we approached Venice. VENICE! 

Below, some pictures from the castle & the park. Can you spot the cats?

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